Intealth ECFMG

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates



Most of our publications are available on this website. For inquiries regarding publications not found on this website, contact ECFMG by e-mail at

ECFMG Certification and USMLE

ECFMG Certification Fact Sheet

The ECFMG Certification Fact Sheet provides an introduction to ECFMG Certification, as well as web-based resources for those interested in ECFMG Certification and graduate medical education in the United States.

ECFMG Certification Fact Sheet PDF icon

ECFMG Information Booklet

The ECFMG Information Booklet contains detailed information about ECFMG Certification. Applicants for examination are required to read the applicable edition of the Information Booklet.

World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory)

International medical students and graduates who wish to apply to ECFMG for ECFMG Certification and examination must consult the World Directory to determine if their school meets ECFMG eligibility requirements. See the ECFMG Certification Overview for information on the requirements for ECFMG Certification, including the medical school requirements.

World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory)

USMLE Bulletin of Information

The USMLE Bulletin of Information contains detailed information about USMLE, a three-step examination for medical licensure in the United States. Applicants for examination are required to read the applicable edition of the Bulletin of Information.

USMLE Bulletin of Information

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J-1 Visa Sponsorship and Entry to U.S. Graduate Medical Education

The EVSP Reference Guide

The Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Program (EVSP) Reference Guide provides basic information about ECFMG’s J-1 visa sponsorship program and the responsibilities of J-1 program participants.

Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Program Reference GuidePDF icon

Journeys in Medicine Blog

ECFMG serves as the sole sponsor for foreign national physicians participating in the U.S. Department of State’s BridgeUSA (J-1 visa) Program. ECFMG’s Journeys in Medicine blog provides a forum for J-1 physicians and the training programs that host them to tell their stories in their own words.

Journeys in Medicine - An ECFMG Blog

Transition in a Time of Disruption: Practical Guidance to Support Learners in the Transition to Graduate Medical Education

Updated in April 2022, this toolkit is a key resource for incoming residents and their U.S. residency programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The toolkit includes resources to support the delivery of high-quality patient care while also supporting the well-being, professional development, and equitable treatment of all incoming residents. The toolkit was developed by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM); the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC); the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME); and ECFMG, a member of Intealth .

Transition in a Time of Disruption: Practical Guidance to Support Learners in the Transition to Graduate Medical Education

This resource is part of the Transitions in Medical Education series, which also includes toolkits on the transition from residency to fellowship and from residency/fellowship to practice.

The toolkits are not requirements and are meant to help guide learners and programs. They include review questions, recommended activities, and resources, and cover topics such as well-being, assessment, future planning, and much more.

The Coalition for Physician Accountability’s Undergraduate Medical Education-Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (UGRC): Recommendations for Comprehensive Improvement of the UME-GME Transition

The Coalition for Physician Accountability accepted and published the final report and recommendations of the Undergraduate Medical Education to Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (UGRC) — an independent body of stakeholders commissioned by the Coalition — to improve the transition from medical school to residency. ECFMG|FAIMER is a member of the Coalition, a cross-organizational group of national medical education organizations.

The Coalition for Physician Accountability’s Undergraduate Medical Education-Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (UGRC): Recommendations for Comprehensive Improvement of the UME-GME Transition

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Resources on International Medical Education

Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA)

FAIMER, a member of Intealth, has developed this directory of international organizations that recognize, authorize, certify, or accredit medical schools and/or medical education programs as part of its efforts to build information resources on medical education worldwide.

Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical Schools (DORA)

World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory)

Developed through a partnership between FAIMER, a member of Intealth, and the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), the World Directory offers comprehensive information on medical schools worldwide, with the goal of helping prospective students and medical regulatory authorities make informed decisions about medical schools and their graduates.

World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory)

Guidance on Medical School Selection

This is a guide to help aspiring medical students in researching and selecting medical schools. It offers students important characteristics to consider, questions to ask, and additional resources to consult when evaluating and deciding upon schools.

Guidance on Medical School Selection

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[Last update: August 21, 2024]

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